Please suggest best treatment in India for Synovial sarcoma

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Hi everyone,
I am Rashi Kapoor, a synovial sarcoma survivor who has undergone surgery, 5 cycles of chemotherapy and radiation.
My treating doctor has been Dr Sameer Rastogi who is a Sarcoma specialist in AIIMS , New Delhi.
I was given 5 cycles of chemotherapy and was given ifosomaide and doxorubicin.My limb salvage surgery was done by Dr Ashish Gulia , TMH Mumbai.I would recommend all the sarcoma patients to come to AIIMS , NEw Delhi and take opinion from Dr Sameer Rastogi as he sees more than 100 patients in the OPD.
I was diagnosed with Synovial sarcoma of right knee in 2016.Its been three years and by god’s grace my scan is coming out to be fine.
I strongly suggest all the people to go to the right doctor ( Sarcoma specialist) and go for regular follow ups after the treatment gets over as it is a high grade cancer with a high probability of coming back in lungs.So it’s important to keep a. Check on the disease.I am so greatful to my treating doctor Dr Sameer Rastogi because of whom I have got better and now doing well.He is a very empathetic and compassionate doctor.
After the completion of my treatment ,We the group of Survivors and caregivers have made a patient support group for sarcoma patients.
It is named as Sachin Sarcoma Society.
The website is
Pl feel free to reach to us at our HELPLINE NUMBER 9667248800 for any guidance and assistance and write to us at

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Hello everyone,
This is regarding Rhabdomyosarcoma treated from AIIMS, New Delhi (lndia).

Myself Bhushan Valecha, father of Baby Navya Valecha (7 yrs at that time), patient of Rhabdomyosarcoma (a rare disease). At her early stage (in October 2017) Navya had severe Nose bleeding, we had given her some home treatment to resolve the same but as the time passed her complains about nose bleed increased. Then we approached the ENT specialist and after consultation we took some tests then we came to know that she had a tumor in her neck side. Soon we approached ‘BLK Hospital’ for surgery and then we took her AIIMS (simultaneously we also went for Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon) as second option. But then we finalized the AIIMS Hospital because of its cure statistics which was proved a good decision. We are fortunate enough that we approached AIIMS and Doctor Sameer Rastogi (Second God for Navya). Seriously, he is so much passionate and indeed an expertise in Oncology Deptt. , one of the best Doctors in New Delhi (India).
At first, after seeing the reports and other tests Sameer Sir advised her for chemotherapy (12 cycles) and 30 days radiations by Doctor Rambha (AIIMS Delhi).
I would recommend all the Sarcoma patients to visit AIIMS, New Delhi.
Now my Daughter “Navya Valecha” is completely diagnosed and well. Her routine tests are still going on under the supervision of Dr. Sameer Rastogi. I remember the day when she was in a very critical condition, Doctor Sameer took her in his arms and rushed to emergency ward. He takes care of his patients efficiently and also always available in any channel. I recommended Doctor Sameer to every patient who was/is suffering from any kind of sarcoma.
I can completely count on Dr. Sameer Rastogi AIIMS, New Delhi. Thanks all.