Son's scans came back..... chemo (doxorubicin) didn't work :-(

There may be resources for free flights. My daughter got one through the social work dept. at hospital she’s being treated at (MD Anderson in Houston) and I believe the American Cancer Society might have some resources also

Debeekin, we live in Canada and there isn’t any programs here that I know of. We looked into it last year so we could all be together for Christmas and we ended up raising money.
I’m now sick with a bad sinus and chest cold… need to rest and get better and we will sit down and make a plan this weekend. Thank you for your support and information. … it helps so much when you go through something like this! Sometimes I feel really alone in this journey. I’m glad I can come here for support :heart:

We were able to all get together in November and were blessed to have Matt in good spirit and good enough health to enjoy a wonderful time.
December was a nightmare… Matt wasn’t well, he was diagnosed with a pleural infusion with blood in it 3 days after starting his Votrient, and was in and out of hospital. He was taken off the Votrient immediately when they found the fluid and hasn’t started it again. He was in a lot of pain in November and into December, Dr prescribed different pain killers which have helped somewhat, but he hasn’t had very many good nights sleep throughout last couple months. The scans results showed that the 2 tumors targeted with the radiations have shrunk but all the others, including the one on his liver have grown. He took a break over the holidays to think about his options… starting the Votrient again would be very risky as he is prone to bleeding and that is one of the side effects of the medication.
He has lost lots of weight, his appetite has decreased, his breath his short and he tires easily… but he is still pushing and enjoying life as much as he can…

He made the decision 2 days ago to stop all treatments and enjoy what he has left without all the side effects of drugs and the risks of bleeding out… He is choosing quality over quantity as he says he is tired and wants quality time with the kids and his wife while he is able to give it to them. The Dr will do more scans at the beginning of February and Matt may change his mind then, but for now he feels at peace with his choices. We support him all the way…
He is such a brave man, and has fought so hard throughout these 2 years, and we hope that he will be able to live what time he has left without too much struggles.
Please pray for him and his little family… for us… we all need strength, courage and most of all the love of God to make this transition as painless as possible.

I am scared of what is to come because it has been so hard to see my son in pain and struggling to cope with this horrible beast that has taken away so much from him and his family!.. I want to hang on to some hope but know in my heart that we are coming to the end of the road this year and it tares me apart…

So sorry to hear this, but glad you were all able to be together. We can relate so well to the emotions you are feeling. Our thoughts are with you…

I wish your son a miracle. Things don’t look good but you never know what life will bring… Please, take good care of his family.