So this guy contacted me and they are looking for information from people who have taken oral chemo pills. They say they'll pay you $75 to call and talk to them. I didn't take oral chemo, so I didn't qualify, but I told him I would share his info, so here it is if anyone is interested!
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Hello, my name is Tom Lee and I am an analyst at the Frankel Group (, a life sciences consulting company in NY and MA. We are currently working with a pharmaceutical company to study the issues faced by sarcoma patients who are on oral drug therapies with the goal of developing possible strategies to help them overcome those issues. As part of our research, we are conducting compensated and fully confidential telephone interviews with sarcoma patients. We would love to speak with you about your experience in order to help sarcoma and cancer patients in general gain the most benefit from their drug treatment regimens as possible. We are conducting interviews until October 3 and offering an honorarium to compensate you for your time. Please feel free contact me at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ or 212-■■■■■■■■ with any questions or to schedule an interview. Thank you so much and we look forward to hearing from you!