Irinotecan and Temozolomide combo

My sons synovial sarcoma came back in his other lung and is now recovering from surgery. The suggestions (after tumor testing) is to start him on a combination of oral Irinotecan and Temozolomide. Anyone any experience with this?

After a quick search on pubmed, I found only one study with these drugs that had 2 synovial sarcoma patients. But there was another drug in the combo, vincristine. One patient with synovial sarcoma had stable disease for 4 cycles but had to get out of the study eventually because of disease progression. The results of the study are published here:

My daughter has not used either of these drugs. She is currently on high-dose Ifosfamide. Can you please let me know what tumor testing you had completed that led to the conclusion to try these two drugs? Thanks. All the best. Trish