Management of Thoracic Metastases

Here is a very informative article about surgery for pulmonary metastases:

I have been thinking about getting surgery in Germany by Dr Rolle but lately I’ve been questioning that. I’ve had 3 high dose and 1 low dose if ifosfamide and for 2 CT’s my cancer has gotten smaller. Now the largest met is 6 mm. I have responded well to chemo just have a hard time with the neulasta shot. Doctors here want me to continue chemo for another 3-4 cycles. I want to get this cancer out of me! But I don’t know if that is the best approach.

If chemo is doing something positive and you stop it early, won't you regret it later?

Besides, the article mentions that "for patients with synchronous disease or a short DFI (disease Free Interval), the use of systemic therapy (chemo) prior to metastasectomy (surgery) should be discussed in a multidisciplinary setting. This builds in a period of observation to determine whether the tumor is progressing rapidly and will be widely metastatic in a period of weeks to months, in which case the patient would not benefit from pulmonary resection." In other words, the disease needs to be under control, stable or growing slowly before surgery.