Shadows on the lungs

Hi Guys,

we have just returned from our sons first 6 mth checkup , to discover that he has a shadow on each of his lungs , and is now set to have a CT scan tomorrow to clarify what they are.........needless to say we are terrified, and I just want to know if anyone else has had shadows that turned out to be unrelated to their SYNOVIAL SARCOMA.

Our son was diagnosed in sept, 2012, and finished treatment and surgery, with a resection on his right shoulder,in march 2013.

He has been clear of any disease up until now , and although we will know more in the next 24 hours , I just wanted to ask the question.

This probably doesn’t help too much but I have a spot in my lung and none of the scans that are available none of the doctors are able too tell me what it is.
I hope all goes well for you guys.

thanks for your response helps a lot !....only a few more hours to go and we ll know exactly whats going on in there,we hope!! I will keep yous informed of the results etc, and thanks for your wishes....same goes for you too...

Deano said:

This probably doesn't help too much but I have a spot in my lung and none of the scans that are available none of the doctors are able too tell me what it is.
I hope all goes well for you guys.

Good luck Francess! The shadow is on a X-Ray? I guess they do not do CT scans as part of the regular check-up in Ireland like they do in the US?

No Elodie, they do not...........I still have not heard anything from the consultant, but im sure the clinics close around 4 ish her , so Ill expect to hear something then.....

Afdter the longest 24 hrs ever , we now have the results of our sons CT scan...... he has 3 tumours on his lungs , which the doc believes are the same sarcoma he had diagnosed 3 yrs ago in sept.

Naturally, we are devastated..........its his 16th birthday tomorrow, and he already deals with ASPERGERS SYNDROME as a condition , as if things were not bad enough for him.........he has had more than his fair share of bad luck.

We are going to portugal on saturday for three weeks , and when we come back , he will have a biopsy to confirm staus of tumour, etc. and a plan of action for what course of treatment or whatever next.This will not be easy.......please offer your prayers for our Darragh....thank you

How big are the nodules? Are they all on the same lobe or on different ones? It's going to be difficult to not worry about all this during your vacation :-( I do hope Darragh will be able to enjoy Portugal anyway. Does he have any symptoms?

In the US, they usually do not biopsy lung nodules. They follow them to see if they grow but I am guessing they catch them much earlier since they are using CT scans instead of X-rays...

francess said:

Afdter the longest 24 hrs ever , we now have the results of our sons CT scan...... he has 3 tumours on his lungs , which the doc believes are the same sarcoma he had diagnosed 3 yrs ago in sept.

Naturally, we are devastated..........its his 16th birthday tomorrow, and he already deals with ASPERGERS SYNDROME as a condition , as if things were not bad enough for him.........he has had more than his fair share of bad luck.

We are going to portugal on saturday for three weeks , and when we come back , he will have a biopsy to confirm staus of tumour, etc. and a plan of action for what course of treatment or whatever next.This will not be easy.......please offer your prayers for our Darragh....thank you

I dont really know Elodie , but will obviously know more after the biopsy..........and no , he isnt showing any outward signs at all.........

francess said:

Afdter the longest 24 hrs ever , we now have the results of our sons CT scan...... he has 3 tumours on his lungs , which the doc believes are the same sarcoma he had diagnosed 3 yrs ago in sept.

Naturally, we are devastated..........its his 16th birthday tomorrow, and he already deals with ASPERGERS SYNDROME as a condition , as if things were not bad enough for him.........he has had more than his fair share of bad luck.

We are going to portugal on saturday for three weeks , and when we come back , he will have a biopsy to confirm staus of tumour, etc. and a plan of action for what course of treatment or whatever next.This will not be easy.......please offer your prayers for our Darragh....thank you

I’m not s physician by any means, but please don’t let the physicians advise you to take votrient, and just watch. Please start with aggressive treatment. My daughter who was 13 at the time had a successful resection of ss from her leg, and 1 year later had “shadows” on her lungs. We did votrient for 1 year, and now she has lung tumors tntc. She’s had vats on both sides, and a lobectomy. Please explore all of your options before using pills as a therapy for lung mets.

Hi Victorias mom,

thankyou for your reponse.......we ve just returned from Portugal last sat, and Iv since herad from the consultant that Darragh has 2 nodules on one lung and 3 on the other.....we are due in hosp next wed 26th aug for another CT scan and then admitted to hosp the following morning to have a biopsy on one of his lungs.Other than that , we have no idea of what the options are.......or whatever kind of treatments may be available to us.I will keep you all posted as soon as we have news..........we are absolutely devastated by this news .I did not expect a reoccurence so soon.

Hi all.....

our worst fears have been confirmed..........he has two masses,one at least5cms on the left lung , very close to the main artery to his heart , and the other side there is one matching.... he had a biopsy done last thrs on a smaller one on his 2nd right hand lobe , so are awaiting doc to call us for a plan of action ........we know it doesnt sound too great for us......the doc has hinted strongly that surgery is not an option, neither rdiotherapy, but some other type of medication that should halt the growth of these tumours ......any ideas or advice anyone ?????

Is the medication votrient? The situation doesn't sound good :-( A second opinion in such case is always a good idea but I am not sure if it is easy in Ireland to get one. There are interesting clinical trials in Europe but you would have to be willing to travel to another country.