I have enjoyed a great summer and 5 months free from treatments. My most recent scan showed that the primary has increased to 4.5cm x 6.5 cm, but no mets have reappeared. This is still only half the size it was at initial discovery. I have used my lifetime allotment of the AIM therapy, so I will be starting Pazopanib(Votrient) on Dec 4. The doctors are still reluctant to resect the primary, but have not taken it entirely off the table.
I would be most interested in hearing the experience or helful hints from those who are using or have used Votrient. I will also share my difficulties with this new treatment.
Everything and everyone aropund me is amazing, and I would honestly have to say that I am enjoying my life better now than ever! I am thankful for those on this site who share their experiences. I still have difficulty sharing change with those I love. I try so hard not to bring them down, but keep them updated at all times. I met the love of my life a few months ago, and it is hard to know my condition is causing her worry. I have learned one thing it seems to never let on that you are worrying or that you have any doubts about surviving. Those that love me motivate me to stay positive because of my love for them. Also the Attitude of Gratitude goes along way.
Here is a link of an article our local paper did this summer http://peninsulaclarion.com/news/2013-08-08/dedicated-mountain-runner-battles-cancer
I want to extend a warm Thanksgiving wish to everyone here. it is my favorite holiday!