I've read articles in the past suggesting TLE1 is a robust diagnostic marker for synovial sarcoma. At the time of my biopsy in 2003, it was not used as a diagnostic marker but Bcl-2 was. I am wondering if that has changed since then...
This test was actually critical in my son’s diagnosis - his particular translocation means that he tested negative on the more commonly used FISH test after his biopsy, but we were fortunate that the cells visually were recognized so more testing was done and it was confirmed by the TLE1 test and then further by PCR. We found that when dealing with a possible diagnosis you need to know what the different types of testing mean and to know what can be missed with what tests. Here is info on one of the articles we read (http://journals.lww.com/ajsp/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2009&issue=12000&article=00001&type=abstract). From what we have read this type of research is critical.