Cancer Financial Assistance

The following information was posted on the ACOR general sarcoma group and may be useful for some of you:

The Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC) is a consortium of organizations aimed to help patients manage financial challenges that might be an emerging factor with a cancer diagnosis.

Patient advocacy/support organizations, such as Sarcoma Alliance and others offer financial assistance/reimbursement for certain expenses, such as a second opinion medical appointment (up to $500 with Sarcoma Alliance). Each organization has eligibility parameters/requirements. Organizations offer different types of assistance. Additionally, there is no guarantee that funds would always be available. Contacting an organization is key to finding out what is possible.

Sources of Financial Assistance:

- Government Programs - check into government programs for qualification guidelines.
State programs may be able to assist with medical and living
expenses if eligibility requirements are met.

- Co-Pay Relief Program - many voluntary organizations offer some financial relief to cancer
patients who cannot afford insurance coverage, co-pays, or deductibles,
and other associated out of pocket costs if eligibility requirements are met.

- Public and Nonprofit Hospitals- contact a social worker at your local Health Dept. for information.

- Patient Assistance Programs - Pharmaceutical companies that have patient assistance program for
insurance reimbursement; referrals to co-pay relief programs;
medication cost reduction offers if eligibility requirements are met.

- Voluntary Organizations - Voluntary organizations may offer assistance with child care,
transportation, home maintenance needs. Different organizations
offer different types and levels of assistance based on eligibility
requirements being met.

- Personal Financial Planning - Advice from a financial planner may offer valuable guidance.
An accountant can provide guidance on income taxes, qualifications for
tax credits especially with out of pocket medical expenses - medical
deductions may apply. There are free or low-cost financial planning
seminars as well, usually sponsored by investment management
companies or even the AARP.

- Health Insurance - Your own health insurance benefit entitlements may need to be carefully revisited
to best understand your policy coverage components. Talking to your insurance
company through an assigned case manager could offer a more personalized
wayof providing individual assistance to address your questions and concerns.

- Find help in your community through local organizations, advocacy groups, and read
Cancer.Net's new patient guide for financial help: "Managing the Cost of Cancer Care,"
published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

CFAC Coalition Organizations that help patients:

1. Sarcoma Alliance
2. CancerCARE
3. CancerCARE Co-Payment Assistance Foundation
4. HealthWell Foundation
5. Patient Access Network Foundation
6. Patient Services Incorporated
7. National Organization for Rare Diseases
8. American Cancer Society
9. The Max Foundation

Go to: for more information.

This is offered as potentially helpful information for you as the new year approaches.