Cancer Treatment Centers of America

Hi - has anyone received treatment or a second opinion from the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Can you please share your experience? Thank you. All the best. Trish

They certainly spend a lot of money in advertising. But do they have sarcoma specialists?

My husband went there for his primary treatment after getting a third opinion from them. We did not feel they had the expertise, and I wish we would have inquired more about an actual sarcoma specialist because I don't believe his oncologist had enough experience. He eventually eluded to us calling Dr. Chawla. When we spoke with him, he asked why we went to such an inexperienced place. I highly recommend getting a second opinion from Dr. Chawla ( or another sarcoma specialty place. CTCA was great as far as customer service, taking care of the caregiver, healthy food cafeterias, and first-class human relations, but not knowing how to kick this cancer in the butt.

Thank you so much for the feedback. Sorry you did not have success with them.

My daughter has been on the high dose ifos since November, 14 days on and 14 days off and it has been rough. It has been working but we know we can not continue on this treatment based on the effects it is having to her body and I do not expect it to get rid of the tumors in her lungs, so we have been looking into other options. She is 18 and we would love to get her back to a somewhat "normal" life and back to college. We are looking to decrease the 14 day to a 10 day starting on Monday.

Dr. Chawla is wonderful. I have consulted with him over the phone and email several times. He is very responsive. I actually plan to send him scans for review.

We have been looking into various options MK-3475, Aldoxorubicin, EZH2 and immunotherapy trials. Wanted to see what CTCA would recommend....they seem to do a thorough 3 day evaluation just not sure what would come of it.

Thanks again for the input.

butterphly7 said:

My husband went there for his primary treatment after getting a third opinion from them. We did not feel they had the expertise, and I wish we would have inquired more about an actual sarcoma specialist because I don't believe his oncologist had enough experience. He eventually eluded to us calling Dr. Chawla. When we spoke with him, he asked why we went to such an inexperienced place. I highly recommend getting a second opinion from Dr. Chawla ( or another sarcoma specialty place. CTCA was great as far as customer service, taking care of the caregiver, healthy food cafeterias, and first-class human relations, but not knowing how to kick this cancer in the butt.

Don’t know about Cancer Treatment Centers of America… But Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Fl. I could not have picked a better place!

Can anyone help me with an E-mail adress for Dr. Chawla?

Here is Dr. Chawla's email:


You can find all his contact information at this site:

All the best, Trish

Thank you very much Trish