I have not been on here in a little bit as we have been so busy with Doctors and doing research to find a trial for my husband. Since my previous post, my husband went through 2 cycles of "AIM" chemotherapy and after a re-scan it was concluded that it did not work for him and the SS in his lung lining actually grew. After the Dr's researched, they found a trial that might be suitable for him, but after going through the HLA typing to be accepted into the trial in Maryland we found out Friday that my husband does not qualify:( We willl have further discussions on this Monday with his Dr. from Sloan Kettering to determine if my husband should proceed with a Phase II trial for Sarcoma or go on Votrient. The Dr's have been working on further analysis of my husband's tumor to determine if there are any other treatments that might be more suitable. My husband and I are fighting this battle together and we look forward to every waking moment. My husband is currently not on anything as we were hoping to be accepted into the trial. His pains are becoming more frequent, but he is still able to do his daily tasks and breathing is good. I saw the recent posts on Hemp oil and cannabis and will look into those further.
Good luck with your appointment on Monday. Let us know what option you pick...