Thank you. I've been resistant to the idea of using marijuana due to the archaic interpretation of it, these days it seems clear to me there is such a limited understanding of the potential therapeutic usage it's clearly too soon to dismiss it.
Adamo, i know what you mean.....
It's been and still is a struggle for most of my relatives that i'm on cannabis.
I keep on telling them about the endocannaboidsystem and its natural job within our body's but somehow they are still having trouble understanding it.
I will be damned if i will let them shitty SScells ever have a chance to grow somewhere else inside of me!
Do you receive cannabis in it's natural form or a concentrate/derivative?
Somebody out of options may want to try kava:
I recieve it in it's natural form.It's a matter of trying out different strains of cannabis to find you the right dosage.
I make tea but i'm trying to find someone who kan make me oil.
Adam0 said:
Do you receive cannabis in it's natural form or a concentrate/derivative?