We Can Win

Hi Everyone,

A special shout out to JohnboyEsq, Sage and Elodie! I have been in recovery from surgery wanting to reach out to you, and anyone who needs my support and friendship. :)

I have been thinking about all of you and feel compelled to help in every way I can. My passion is to help others tap into their WILL to beat cancer, to fill yourself with SELF TRUST, and trust your own wisdom on how to beat it (with the help of those you choose.) There was nothing more scary in my life then the first two months after I got the diagnosis, and even though I am technically not out of the woods yet, my attitude has changed- and to me that is everything.

I am passionate about the holistic approach to healing, cancer did NOT come from nowhere, or some great mystery, it has a cause, it is from an imbalance... the details are up for debate. But most will agree- too high a toxic load, and too weak and deficient the immune system. I like to look at what causes this from an emotional and physical realm.

I want to start with the emotional cause first because it is talked about much less. I was in an abusive situation and was feeling victimized, I stayed in it, and in a constant state of stress and not taking care of myself for four long years....so I got cancer. I KNOW this is why I got cancer. The number 1 thing to do, in my humble opinion, is eliminate whatever in your life is "eating you alive," be it toxic relationships, a job, the house you live in, unresolved issues, or even just toxic negativity - because now your life depends on it. Start living right now, put yourself first, take care of yourself, honor your true feelings, start doing what you want and need now- THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL. Sometimes when we manifest cancer we unconsciously feel trapped, that it would be easier to die than change or deal with the stresses and conflict. This happened to me, I unconsciously wanted to die!!! so I got the stresses out of my life, and I will NEVER allow myself to be involved in anything that hurts me again.

The emotional key is having the will to live. You can't fake it. Your body knows. When you truly desire to live (and eliminating the things in life you hate so that you can feel love again,) EVERYTHING CHANGES. ((when I truly got that I had unconsciously wanted to die, that I had the power to eliminate what was hurting me, and that I wanted to LIVE - overnight all the right resources started showing up and each moment I felt I could not go on something would shift for me, every time! )) When I truly felt my inner power was bigger than the cancer, I felt miraculously different, like a heavy life long fog cleared right up.

And here is where having confidence comes in. Cancer eats victims, I had felt very victimized by cancer. One of the biggest remedies is to BELIEVE YOU CAN HEAL. Dr. Bernie Siegel talks a lot about attitude in his own studies of why some people heal and others don't. He talks about two very distinct categories of patients- those who resign themselves to their terrible illness and those who refuse to. He says about those with the fighting spirit "Ask not which disease did the host get, but which host got the disease!" I don't care how bad it looks, people are healing themselves from cancer everyday with the right attitude and education, faith, support and trust in their inner wisdom. And for those who didn't made it, I consider them angels and am very humble before them. I don't have all the answers but I do have a good fight in me!

Secondly, physically- build up the immune system and clean the toxins out. Sage I believe deeply in alkalinizing! A lot of western medicine and our pharmaceutical industry starts accusatory attacks of holistic measures because it cuts into their profits. There is a widespread, but little known, modern day witch hunt happening right now against anyone and everyone healing and curing cancer. The cancer industry does not want you or I to know that CANCER IS CURABLE NOW. There is even a dvd called that, here is the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv3fiCbPrhc. I am NOT saying it is easy, but answers are out there, and since Scientist and Doctor pioneers (like Dr. Kelly, Dr. Gerson and Dr. Budwig) were persecuted so severely that they could not join forces to transform modern medicine, what our hospitals should be doing, we each have to be investigators and gather up the information we need for our own unique illness. This can be done. Watch the link below and Chris will explain to you a little more about the physical approach to healing cancer in a really simple way - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k3B0y0tjCg he healed himself from stage 3 colon cancer! Check out his website- www.chrisbeatcancer.com

I was able to shrink my tumor by almost half and the remaining growth was 30% dead when they removed it, with my balanced approach. I feel ok about having radiation and good about the surgery. I love my Oncologist and can work with her because she respects my holistic views. What I feel best about are my holistic measures..... my attitude changed first, and since then I have REFUSED to think for a second cancer will win. I hit the ground running to take care of myself emotionally and physically. I have my emotional days, I don't worry about that ((btw, it is important to let our emotions come out. Bottled up/unexpressed/unacknowledged emotions, anger, grief, pain, etc.. can be part of the toxic load our body needs to clear!)) I vent and get it out and let fear come through, then I always feel better after letting it out. I come back to feeling in my bones I KNOW I will win. Because I shrunk my tumor enough losing my foot or permanent damage was no longer a huge risk, and I chose to have the surgery because otherwise the radiation would have caused enough scar tissue it would never be safe to have surgery again. These are the kind of hard decisions we all have to make for ourselves. As far as me being here to support each of you, I offer you this- trust what feels best for you, however much or little you want to work with your doctor. I chose a balanced approach, saying no to amputation or chemo. I am so lucky neither of those things are needed in my case right now. I still have to have my first PET Scan to be sure it has not spread. I am taking care of myself so well that I have peace cancer cannot possibly stay alive in me!

My favorite book (it describes most of the strongest natural protocols) http://www.outsmartyourcancer.com.

I also found a holistic practitioner in NH that is helping me with my supplements. There are holistically minded M.D's and Naturopaths out there. Dr Gonzales in NY, http://www.cancure.org/gonzales_clinic.htm. Dr Garcia from Utopia Wellness in FL (Dr. Garcia will do a free phone session with you, my session was super helpful. He deals with the emotional cause of Cancer too so be prepared for him to push some buttons if you call him,) his website is http://www.utopiawellness.com/, and I can't believe I found this, a testimonial by Scott who was dealing with a Sarcoma (his story sounds like ours) and healed himself with Dr. Garcia's help! http://www.corehealth.us/scottc.html. There is a Naturopath in Lexington MA who specializes in Cancer, http://lexingtonnaturalhealth.com/, and these connections are just a few of whats out there! There are many great Clinics, most not in America- because the U.S. has made some of the most effective treatments ILLEGAL, ((watch this documentary to understand why, A Beautiful Truth- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvzDHGLEUyw.)) You can even take out a special kind of credit card for medical expenses, if I had no other choice I would do this. There are also a ton of grants out there if money is an issue right now, I just applied for aid with the help of a hospital Resource Specialist and Social Worker.

Anyways, I wanted to give as much helpful information as possible. I am sending each of you my light, love and strength. Be true to yourself. Be kind to yourself, trust yourself. For those of you who want to fight- FIGHT. And for those of you who are getting worse and want to make peace with death- this is humbly how I see it- I am so sorry for how you have suffered. I wish I could do more. To me you are an angel. The healthcare system may have failed you but your soul is triumphant and bigger than cancer. Know how sacred you are, and that god is with you, or whatever you call it. Your divine path is bigger than earth.

Yours, FireLight

P.S. Feel free to message me and I will be in touch as soon as I can, and help in anyway I can.

And Johnboy if I was in your shoes I also would have refused amputation. I support you 100% now and of course if you change your mind, what matters is what is right for you. Your situation strikes a real chord in me because the first thing they told me is the high risk of permanent damage and possibility of losing my foot. So I shrunk my tumor with my fierce determination. My inner voice kept saying NO, YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY FOOT. I have been living that focus ever since. I am with you honey. :)