Work/health insurance

I have to decide if I am able/ready to return to work. I do not feel as though I am ready, but I am afraid that I will lose my Health Insurance.

any suggestions?

Hi Wendye.

Have you thought od disability insurance? My son is on disability insurance and is 24 years old. He hopes to be able to go back to work in the near future but maay have to explore a different avenue of work. Best of luck to you.

Could you go back half days? Maybe being at work would stimulate some interest and help create some energy?

I think this is what I am going to request and it could take my mind off of thigs :wink:

I guess it depends on the company but sometimes you need to work at least 35 hours to be eligible for the health insurance. Otherwise, for social security, if you have metastatic disease, you are eligible for disability...

THANKS great advice and I was approved SSDI but have to make decision soon so I guess that Ifear I lose my job, then SSDI disqualifies me etc… I am still healing and I just want to focus on my health and my 3 y.o daughter. I HATE CANCER!!

Amen to that. I hate watching my husband fight so hard to live while this evil invader sabotages everything we try.

I’m in a similar position just returning to work after a year of treatment. It’s pretty tough getting back into the swing of things. I’ve decided to work three part days, starting at 10am and that has worked pretty well. Again similar position in that I would lose insurance and they have been really good since I have made this first part time step. Expect in the next month or two to get back to full time. Pain killers and mobility are an issue but working through that and I have supportive business and colleagues which helps. I have had access to occupational therapy which has helped hugly with mobility plus setting up the work environment has been a real and practical help. I like not being a patient and although it’s difficult it has created more normality in our household which is good.