Checking in and thankful

It has been a while since checking in here. More members and stories! I am so fortunate to be 2 1/2 years since my last chemo treatment with clean scans along the way. As we know there are no guarantees in life, but once you’ve had a Sarcoma every second in life really counts. I have gone from a frustrated amputee to a person that enjoys challenges. Walking a few miles or even running is still slightly painful, but really no problem. I have learned to take waves on my stand up paddle board, re-learned snow skiing, and competed in a mile ocean swim this past Labor Day. My wife and kids are terrific offering support and the occasional one legged man jokes. Life will never be the same as pre-Sarcoma, but since I know this horrible cancer could re-appear at anytime, I’m moving forward and trying not to look back. I look forward to reading your stories. Hug your loved ones and stay strong.

Keep bringing good news John! They are needed!

Thanks for sharing John, inspiring stuff.