One cannot choose how one's life begins. But one can choose to face the end with courage and dignity.
Someone asked me why I share my deeply personal and intimate battle with everyone. I've been sharing my battles with everyone who cares to read and listen since my diagnosis. Not because I want your pity. Not because I want your sympathy or empathy.
I'm sharing my journey because I want to raise awareness. Understand that cancer is a word, not a sentence. Cancer does not automatically mean death. Cancer does not make person a walking deadman. I want you to be aware on what cancer does to one's life. How nasty, how cruel this disease is.
I share with you the ups and downs of this journey. To let you know that there are more important things in life than your possessions or your title. To let you know that your health should be on top of your priority above anything else. To let you know that without good health, everyone around you will suffer, specially your most beloved ones. Your wealth means nothing if you're poor in health. Your success in life means nothing if you are dying.
I share with you the choices you can make if you are put face to face with this nasty disease. There is only one wrong choice, the choice to do nothing. Putting your fate in the hands of the Lord does not mean your are doing nothing. Putting your fate in the hands of the Lord is the best choice one can make. Just make sure that you listen to him closely as his plan for you will materialize at the right time, no matter how wrong and difficult it make look. This may mean sacrificing comfort, wealth, and fun. This can also mean sacrificing your own life. As long as you believe though, then you'll know it is His will regardless.
I will share with you my journey until the end. It may be today, it may be tomorrow, it may be next year, it may be five decades from now. Just know, without a doubt, that I've never given up. Acceptance of one's fate is not giving up. The Lord Jesus have a plan, and I'm big part of it. We are all part of it.